I have been a very poor blogger. I wonder if anyone is still watching and reading. I hope so. If you are please accept my apologies for being so tardy in producing my next offering.
I blogged about my dog dying and that did upset me dreadfully. The house seemed so empty and so I lasted six days without a dog before two new spaniels arrived. Sisters called Lily and Rosy. What a joy they are and now five months old. They cheer me up and already sense, just as Meg my last dog did, when I am low and snuggle up in a way only a dog can manage.
I am still struggling with anxiety. Still manifesting obsessive behaviour. Still deeply troubled by various triggers on the media who, actually, only produce 'sound bites' which are so often accurate and misleading. I still get genuinely frightened.
But I have three new friends, really good friends, companions whom I trust and who take me as I am and yet help steer me back to the right view and perspective on things. My dogs and a new colleague. Without them I wouldn't be managing as I am. There are days when it all comes rushing back intolerably and I fear the worst for me and my two sons but the dogs sit close and my good Christian friend gently but firmly says 'hang on, you know that's untrue or highly unlikely to occur'.
For my two daft and utterly lovable canine companions many strokes and extra biscuits. For my new, and most dear friend, my undying thanks for friendship, calm guidance, reassurance and prayer.
The journey goes on, like the economy (and indeed the weather) some dips along the slow road to recovery (and spring) but it is going on. I am trying to be more positive.
I also hope to blog more often! The picture, by the way, is of my two new spaniels! Enjoy, I do!