Friday 14 January 2011


I've let it slip again - another quite long delay between posts for which many apologies. The usual reason applies - I have been struggling with my anxieties 'big style'!

However, despite the fact that my anxiety levels are currently averaging about 8 out of 10, despite the fact that I have a very difficult few days (oh yes, you would not believe it!) I want to briefly reflect positively in the hope it offers encouragement to others. This is very hard for me to do as I am having to push through and convince myself that I can use some praise, maybe even a few superlatives, to describe myself even though I cannot believe they are true just as I cannot convince myself my anxieties are anything other than real, living, present and even worse than I can imagine.

Today - met a new colleague who, like me, struggles with anxiety. Mine always focus on finance (and related arenas of my little world) his are different issues but we found a common bond, were able to share similar experiences about our individual 'head space' and offered each other support and prayer - fantastic.

Today - had a long drive to help sort out a complicated business matter for my son who is at university. I problem solved almost all of the issues whilst remaining calm and focussed - on the outside anyway!

Today- I chatted to a person who has become a very close friend who has given me more help than one could imagine - thank you, you know who you are.

Today - I faced a difficult life choice. This issue is far from decided or resolved but I looked at it full in the face!

Today - I reorganised my long term financial planning. This is an area of my life where the stress and anxiety is off the scale. I managed to do this when I was very tired and remained calm; ok, I had one panic attack but give me a break.

Today - I maintained a sense of humour (mostly!).

Today - I have updated my blog. Although this has been largely anecdotal it is positive, honest and reflective. I have (almost) managed to give myself a pat on the back!

Oh yes, today I received an invitation to speak at a large conference and I accepted!

Truthfully, I feel rough, stressed, tired and uncontrollably anxious - but I have still managed to extract the positives from this.

Stay strong, fellow sufferers, keep the faith and remember, soon there will be more day light! Hurrah!

1 comment:

  1. Well done-you have faced many fears today and have conquered them admirably. You truly deserve a big pat on the back. I only hope that you can go on from here,and start to enjoy the life you have worked so hard to build for you and your family. Face Your Fears (Patrick Lindsay-Be Happy)

    Face your fears
    Until you do, you remain in chains.
    Never underestimate your courage.
    Be positive. If necessary, take it in stages.
    Often your fear is outdated,
    or based on a misunderstanding or misapprehension.
    Look it straight in the eye.
    Once you break the spell, you're free.
