Wednesday 30 September 2009

Rejoicing in a fish and chip supper!

I haven't much felt like blogging as I had the 'flu as did my whole family. Never mind it is over now and I am back running again.

I had an excellent meeting with my CPN today who has helped me see that my levels of (sometimes overwhelming) anxiety are a symptom of my illness that will pass in time. I am certain that my character means I worry more than a lot of people. That being said, I am encouraged to believe that I will gradually be able to exercise more control over my frighteningly obsessive anxieties. This I hope to accomplish through therapy, my own problem-solving and challenging my negative thinking. Crucially, this one conversation with my CPN has, at least for the time being, encouraged me hugely and I am now a little less afraid. My prayer is that this continues.

Fellow mental health sufferers take heart! I do feel I have come out into some sunshine again and whilst I know (mixing my metaphors - sorry!) that I am not out of the woods and there will be plenty of cloudy days to come, I do feel I have to conclude this blog very positively and make the following simple points. I have had a bad period, no doubt about it but I do believe that progress is being made. I have had two good days in a row. I am getting fitter, physically and mentally.

To celebrate this achievement I had a fish and chip supper. So I am also trying to rejoice in the small pleasures in life!

Two big tasks to work on. First to try and hold onto this belief that the worst of my symptomatic presentation will ease as I gain more control. Second, to compare myself to others less and thus be more content with who and what I am.

I am happy to end, as I began, positively and hope very much that it encourages others.

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